A regional dealership in search of national brand


The Challenge: Replace a common name with a smarter brand

In an effort to go to market, companies often choose names that are familiar, predictable and often commonplace. But as they grow and evolve, these popular names are difficult to “own” from both a trademark perspective, and from a “white space”/uniqueness perspective. Such was the case of AutoSource. The company liked the name, but unfortunately, so did quite a few other automotive dealers. Their issues included…

● 3 previously registered trademarks on the USPTO.gov database
● Numerous other dealerships with closely matching names and/or domains
● Difficulty ranking for their name in terms of SEO
● AutoSource.com went to another automotive related business

What they wanted was a descriptive, but slightly more sophisticated name.

The "Ah-ha" Moment: AutoSavvy

After our typical, in-depth exploration of client needs, the Tungsten team honed in on names that retained the look and feel of the original brand, but allowed for ownership of the identity. AutoSavvy not only provided a seamless transition from the legacy name, it also allowed the client to own the exact matching .com, and to acquire the coveted trademark. From a cluttered field of dozens of soundalike competitors, AutoSavvy emerged as a singular brand name – one that captured their expertise in the business.

The lesson?

Not every rebrand requires a complete overhaul. Sometimes it’s possible to leverage existing brand equity and build something even better with just the right tweaks. It simply requires savvy… and a touch of brilliance.

A car key with remote control.  Functions include Lock, Unlock, and Hatch Glass.  Narrow depth of field with focus on closest portion of key and remote.  Isolated on white background.

“We are very excited about our new company name, AutoSavvy, as it will help consumers more easily recognize the most trusted source of branded title vehicles in the world."

Brett Parham

Scope of Work

Rebrand Strategy

Name Development

Brand Messaging

Visual Identity Development

Brand Guidelines

Domain Name Acquisition


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